Saturday 6 October 2012

Least Excited and Bothered : State of Mind


11 is the call time, and here I am, still not prepared with the points of convo. Hmm.

Today's agenda, 
i)  Advantages and disadvantages Experimentation Investigation vs Computer Simulation
ii) Whether Simulink will be an okay software to work with.

Second point depends on his yes or no. I might have a few things to say about the 1st point.

Experimental Investigation:

No substitute for experimentation, because seeing is believing. Having said that, there are limitations to experimental Investigation.
Full scale: 
1) Expensive and often difficult
2) Measurement errors
Scaled Model:
1) Keeping the flow physics the same is difficult. Thus need for compromise.
2) Difficult to extrapolate results
1) Numerous variables involved. Keeping track of all, difficult.
2) Maintaining various boundary conditions is difficult, this gives rise to uncertainties.
3) More of hit-n-miss, So time consuming.

Computer Simulation/Modelling:

1) Cheaper
2) Once a flow is simulated varying variables, recording the result is easy, 
3) Output can be converted into sound in MATLAB.
4) Can handle any degree of difficulty
5) Can repeat any number of times.
6) Will ever be away from the model.

Just received a message from him. "Am driving. We shall talk at 12 noon". Hmmph.. 


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