Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Finally Understood What He Wants


Alright. I now realise, that his aim of asking me all of these questions is that, he doesn't want to use patient data. And the reason for not using the patient data is that, the interpretation of data is subjective. Cannot validate it, since the interpretation differs from doctor to doctor, and hence, it is difficult to defend thee thesis in front of the ethical committee.


So, alright, we can still create a normal fluid flow model using computer simulation! No validation needed for that. Everything becomes even easier. Alright. Mailing doc this.


Editing the post.

So, I've realized that he doesn't want to use patient data, means he first wants to try it out on simple pulsatile flow of fluid. Now, I want to avoid going to IIT-B. So I prefer computer simulation of this fluid flow. Found out that the PDE toolbox in MATLAB helps using partial differentiation equation and the pdetool to simulate the fluid flow. But, I need a pulsatile fluid flow! <= Prob No. 1 !

Even if I'm able to find a pulsatile fluid flow code, and create it, I'm going to have to represent the flow in terms of velocity, and then convert the velocity profile of the fluid flow into audio. for further signal processing.<= Prob No. 2 !

All this feels very overwhelming. Because, for computer simulation, I need to know the equations governing the fluid flow, sheer stress, strain.. and lot of physics. It does make me feel that doing it in practice would be better than simulating it. But go to think about it, I will have to know the physics even if I want to do it in practice! Additionally, many factors would be clearly in much better control without any mess if I use computer simulation, rather than practical.

So, things to do:

1) Study pde tool.
2) Find a way to model pulsatile fluid flow.
3) Study the necessary fluidics.


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