Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Wavelet is the Way to do it!


So, a day well spent today! Dr. Robi Polikar's Wavelet Transform Tutorial was awesome. Gave the in depth knowledge of why wavelets are important and how the Wavelet Transform works. Then, studied and revised  a bit of Digital Image Processing from the 3rd Edition of Gonzalez and Woods. Seemed like our lecturer made it sound a little tougher than it actually was.

Then, BOMB! 1st Project reviews to be held in the 2nd or the 4th week of September. Today is 29th. Another week or two is the max that I get to come up with a presentation and a report. Knew this was coming. Have my resources and background knowledge ready, only gotto put it together.

One of the problems that I was having for the past so many weeks just got solved. Dr. Manisha Vernekar responded. Quite kind of her to take out the time and explain to me so many things. She mentioned the book  "23rd Edition Williams Obstetrics" which had everything I needed. Sat up, searched for the torrent, found it, downloaded the file at the speed of 6 - 7 kbps (can you imagine?). Now I have the material to get the workflow ready. Yippee...!

So, next job is to get the workflow ready, and show it to the External Guide. Then I can ask him about the database that I can work with. Will also inform him about the Signal Processing Project workflow that I have come up with. Let's see what he has to say. Hope he replies.

  • Get chapter 3, 4 from Dr. Sardesai
  • Get the workflow ready 
  • Mail  the External Guide and ask for the database
Deadline : 3rd September 2012

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

A matter of MATLAB

05:20 pm

Since MATLAB forms such an important part of the project throughout its various stages, today, I sat up up and got the hang of it. Can't believe I've not known MATLAB all this while. It's versatile, flexible, advanced, and so interesting. Can't wait to start working on it. 

Gotto share the word with the External Guide, but before that, need to know the workflow. 
Dr. Manisha not responding as expected.
  • Sol: either a book that explains about diagnosis of Placental Insufficiency will do, or, gotto go to a OB/GYN. Anyone available online to help me out here???

Tried to saerch for any kind of documentation available on the net about various kinds of Doppler audio outputs but couldn't. Mostly coz they are IEEE papers and you need to have a licence to view them.
  • Sol 1: My department has a licence AND a WIFI connection. So, from the time that I get my laptop back, will be sitting in college after classes to download related papers.
  • Sol 2: Could visit Dr. Sanjay Sardesai to get the xerox of his ultrasound book chapters 3 and 4.
Alternate Sol: Will talk to my sister tonight if she knows any cooperative OB/GYNs and ultasound specialists who could answer my questions. But she's not well.. Oh, then may be tomorrow. Waste of a week looks like. :(

Nothing that I could do about anything RIGHT NOW.. So, will be continuing studying. Today's agenda: MATLAB and WAVELET TRANSFORM overview. latter one left. Will post the summary of both soon.


Monday, 27 August 2012

Established Project Workflow

07:14 pm

Have been doing a lot of reading through for my project "Analysis of audio output of the ultrasound doppler for diagnostic applications using signal processing techniques". Have established a few facts, and planned out the project workflow.

Inline image 3

  • ·         Signal Processing : Power Spectral Density Analysis, Spectogram --> STFT & FFT, Wavelet Transform [Comparison / Need papers to decide which to opt for and why]
  • ·         Recognition / Classification : Based on Adaptive signal Processing using Neural Networks

Both of the above stages will need the knowledge and programming with MATLAB.
What I am currently hunting for are any papers which enlist and throw more light on the kinds of audio doppler sounds that can be heard. This knowledge will help in Classification of the processed signal.
Also, very importantly, need either a soft or a hard copy of the book: Digital Signal Processing by David Pillai.

Sunday, 26 August 2012

Publication at conferences

Referred to senior's papers and project. And have made up my mind about my workflow. Also found that the first publication that I will have to go for would be in Feb, so, by feb i need to at least come up with signal processing and classification of audio doppler output of ultrasound. So that can be my checkpoint for sem 3 exams. Classification of various audio outputs. This will need the study of PSD, Spectrogram, Wavelet Transform, FFT, STFT, MATLAB programming, medical diagnostic procedure of placental insufficiency.

Just an update! :)

New Directions

Gotta start! How? Where?

Few alternatives I know, and as per what I had planned...

1. According to Ulman sir, I have to team up with an OB/GYN and understand the process of diagnosis of Placental Insufficiency.
Sol: Have asked Dr. Manisha Vernekar to help me out. But seeing her involvement in the past, I think better look out for some other source too. Neha,.. any other OB/GYN we can go and meet up?? :(

2. According to me,. I have to understand how the instrument produces the audio signals
Sol: Have the notes for it. Gotta have the patience and read it up. Done with 2 chapters. Will paste the summary of points soon.

3. Have to go to Dr. Sardesai again to get that book for its chapter 3 and 4.

4. Looks like MATLAB is the way to do any kind of singnal processing on biological signals. Gotto study that. Gotta get the text book for that.

5. Also, looks like neural network might be the answer to decision making circuit.. Gotta study that!

6. Spectral analysis will be based on PSD, Spectrogram, and wavelets. Gotta study that!

7. My most important worry, .. database to work with?? Assuming Dr. Ulman will provide me with it, but, he won't show willingness to give untill we are done with the initial study that he's asked for. Fast Fast Fast!!

No other way, but to get the correct text books for these studies. Internet surfing is only wasting time!!

So, the next time I post, I'll be ready with
i) The study of a seniors project report, and thus the way to go about doing the signal processing in my project.
ii) The knowledge of how doppler audio output is obtained from an ultrasound machine.
iii) The knowledge of how a doctor diagnoses the presence of Placental Insufficiency through the 3 trimesters.
iv) Ready resources of Neural Network, PSD, Spectrography, Wavelet Transform, FFT STFT etc. for study

Ciao! ATB!