Saturday, 18 August 2012

Meeting with the External Guide

Saturday, 18th August, 01:34 pm

Met up with the External Guide yesterday, our external guide, to discuss how the project should proceed. In the 7 mins chat he drew a sketch of the entire project, and it's flow. It basically matches what I had visualized all this while, so, no surprises there,.. quite happy about it! :) Also happy that there's nothing that has been done that's quite like it anytime before, and if my project is successful, at the end of it, I will have a new technology at hand.. possibly a patent. Yeay! And this does actually get me excited.

Now, for an ME student it is always a matter of pride if the project is sponsored, or under some company. But, the bad part of this is that, if, I come up with something new, the company gets to own the innovation, not the person. My guide, belongs to a company, but it doesn't look like he's guiding us as a part of the company, instead as a trial execution of his own curiosity. So, I like it like how it is. Don't want to get affiliated with the company. Nice? Here's a pic of what he wrote on the page looks like.

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Masters, all for my love.

Saturday, 4th August 2012
·         Aiming to analyze the audio output available from Ultrasound machines during Continuous Wave or Pulse Wave Doppler Examination for detection of placental insufficiency.
ü  Instrumentally possible to get audio output from an ultrasound machine.
·         Need to perform a Fast Fourier Transform Analysis on the audio signal to fetch meaningful information from it, that is to remove the background noise..
?        Has that been done before?
?        Where can the Ultrasound CW/PW Doppler Audio output Database be found? If no database available, is the project feasible?
?        What is the audible output actually? Is it the same frequency signal that is sent through the ultrasound transducer? Or is it a modulated signal of the ultrasound converted to audio frequency?
·         ultrasound frequency range: greater than 20KHz and audio frequency(AF) or Acoustic range: 20Hz to 20KHz.
·         Medical use : 1 – 6 MHz for Deeper organs and 7 – 18 MHz for superficial organs.
            2 – 7 Mhz for adults and upto 10/12 for younger patients
!          Need more published papers to confirm feasibility.

Sunday, 5th August 2012
New established facts:
·         audio output are the sounds generated by pitch changes of the ultrasound waves
·         The changing velocities (frequencies) are converted into audible sounds and, after some processing, are emitted from speakers placed within the machine.
·         High pitched sounds result from large Doppler shifts and indicate the presence of high velocities, while low pitched sounds result from lesser Doppler shifts. Flow direction information (relative to
the transducer) is provided by a stereophonic audio output in which flow toward the transducer
comes out of one speaker and flow away from the transducer.
·         The audio output also allows the operator to easily differentiate laminar from turbulent flow.
Laminar flow produces a smooth, pleasant tone because of the uniform velocities. Turbulent flow,
because of the presence of many different velocities, results in a commonly high-pitched and
whistling or harsh and raspy sound.
·         The trained ear can readily appreciate minor changes in spectral composition more readily than the eye, given the same information displayed graphically.
·         The major limitation of audio Doppler outputs is the requirements for subjective interpretation and the lack of a permanent objective record.
·         The audio output from a Doppler machine is not the same as that received by a stethoscope or a phonocardiogram. The sounds detected with a stethoscope are transmitted vibrations or pressure waves from the heart and great vessels that are believed to be the result of rapid accelerations and decelerations of blood.
·         The Doppler audio output, in contrast, is an audible display of the Doppler frequency shift spectrum produced by red cells moving in the path of the ultrasound beam. It is a sound produced by the Doppler machine that does not occur in nature and, therefore, it does not originate in the heart.
?        The deciphering, analyzing and presenting vast amounts of returning data into various velocity components is popularly done using either of the 2 methods. Which one to go for? Why?
1. FFT
2. Chirp-Z
!          Need documentation on the instrumentation part of how the audio signal is produced from ultrasound returning waves.
!          More papers needed which relate the audio and imaging outputs.
?        How much more information or how much less information does the audio provide compared to ultrasound image output?
?        Which Doppler method to use? Continuous wave or Pulsed Wave? Even though both have their advantages and disadvantages in terms of imaging, what are pros and cons in terms of audio signal analysis?
?        What are the other audio controls available on the ultrasound Doppler machine in order to “tune” to an optimum audio output other than ultrasound controls?

Monday, 6th August 2012
·         Need to established the connectivity in the project development process.

Back-end à Activity à Front end

·         Back end consists of the signal acquisition problem:
Instrumental Problem:
?        Is a inbuilt recording device available in the ultrasound machines?
?        Else, Are Doppler audio signals database available anywhere?
?        Else, can we record the output?
Using the recorded signal:
?        What format is the signal available?
?        Which software do we use to analyze it? Matlab?
·         Activity consists of meaningful conversion problem
?        Which conversion technique to use? Advt and disadvt of each technique.
?        Which all cases to study?
?        Which trimester to concentrate on for accurate detection?
·         Front end consists of the result and interpretation

Tuesday, 7th August 2012

·         Met up with Gynac, Dr. Govind Kamat who referred me to Dr. Sanjay Sardesai from Ultrasound Clinic
·         Doubts Cleared :
Þ     Audio signals generated are stored on the hard disk, which are accessible.
Þ     Audio signal gives the same information as the imaging signals. Hence the project is feasible.
!       Imaging shows the exact internal organ location where transducer is operating on, the information unavailable in audio. ç 

!          Database bank availability still unclear
·         Rest questions remain the same.

Saturday, 11th August 2012

·         Submitted a very ununderstandable project synopsis yesterday. Here’s the jist:
Problem Statement:
The Doppler audio output is an audible display of the Doppler frequency shift spectrum produced by red cells moving in the path of the ultrasound beam. The trained ear can readily appreciate minor changes in spectral composition more readily than the eye, given the same information displayed graphically. The major limitation of audio Doppler outputs is the requirements for subjective interpretation and the lack of a permanent objective record.

If audio Doppler output could be analyzed and characterized for a particular condition, to generate statistics that could reliably correlate the audio and image output of the ultrasound machine, the diagnosis procedure can be enhanced or simplified.

Brief Background:
The ear and the brain are extraordinarily well adapted to selecting and interpreting complex sound patterns immersed in a background of noise and irrelevant data. But for this, the listener needs to learn to recognize clinically important sounds in Doppler signals. Thus, the interpretation of the audio signal is subjective in nature. The audio Doppler output obtained for a particular medical condition could be analyzed using a suitable adaptive signal processing technique for feature extraction, and its interpretation can be correlated with image Doppler output for reliability. The result then could be used as a diagnostic tool for audio Doppler output of that particular medical condition, reducing the subjective nature of its interpretation.
·         Need to divide the project into stages of achievements, for this, need to understand the procedure I’d be adopting

·         Official duration allotted: 3rd July 2012 to 30th May 2013.
·         Total 11 months, more than 1 month already gone, 10 months remaining.
·         Considering 2 to 3 achievements every month, dividing the project into 8 check points.[CP 1 - 8]
·         As discussed before, project is divided into 3 stages:
Þ     Study, Signal Acquisition and Feeding into system:- For this, need to figure out the below(Well begun is half done): Duration: 2.5 months
§  Theory behind Clinical Ultrasound Doppler Audio Signal Generation, its interpretation in diagnosis
§  Ultrasound Doppler instrumentation and its working
§  What are the procedure to be followed in order to extract information from the signal? CP 1 – End of August
§  Availability of the signal: Where, what format?
§  Which software will be appropriate for this signal processing?
§  Getting the licensed copy of the software and acquire compatible format audio data CP 2 – End of September
§  Feed to the system. Stage Complete? Verified? CP 3 – 15th of october

Þ     Signal Processing for Feature Extraction(Heart of the project): Duration: 7 months
§  Study of various techniques to be used CP 4 – 15th of November
§  Implement CP 5 – End of November
§  Trial
§  Observation
§  matching with ultrasound imaging for reliability
§  repeat for satisfactory number of trials in various conditions CP 6 – 15th of May

Þ     Interpretation of the acquired result(All’s well that ends well): Duration: 0.5 months
§  Interpretation of result
§  Application
§  Future Scope CP 7 – End of 3rd week of May
§  Presentation
§  Documentation CP 8 – End of May

Sunday, 12th August 2012

·         Yesterday, read through the first part of the Ultrasound book Xeroxes that Dr. Sardesai insisted I refer to, called, Clinical Applicatioons of Doppler Ultrasound by Kenneth J W Taylor. Tumbled upon the fact that the same signal that is heard is shown on the ultrasound machine as a waveform. If it is already shown as a waveform, then, what am I trying to do using the audio output? I am intending to get the information given by the audio signal and convert it into visual aid, which is actually the same as that already available visually. PROBLEM?
·         NO. Coz my intention is, to the program software detect the changes in audio signal in the same way that a doctor does and give the result, WITHOUT THE AVAILABILITY OF A VISUAL AID. So, only a small ultrasound Doppler audio machine will be sufficient to detect a problem, and wont cost 600 rs per ultrasound.
·         I would currently be working on detection of a particular condition, (which condition??? depends on whether transducer location can be confirmed) and the list of conditions can then be increased upon by further research.
·         Handheld audio Doppler instruments are already existing. They must be used with some intention. Do they help in detection of any abnormality(That’s a better word)? other than giving the audio output? Will have to check the working and intentional usage of a handheld Doppler device.
·         My objective is to be able to reliably detect an abnormality from audio signal using digital signal processing techniques.
·         Deducing that my project basically deals with the audio output of handheld Fetal Doppler machine, the problem that arises is the acquisition of the audio signal, since not sure if handheld machine has a storage facility. That poses the same project feasibility problem as before.