Thursday, 20 September 2012

Admitting the Doubt in Feasibility

10:20 am

So, The following are the points at which I'm feeling I have doubts.

1) Simulating the flow: We could used Adaptive signal processing techniques to create the same output that the placenta creates, from Gaussian noise. This paper helps us do that. Gotto study this paper as an alternative to the unnecessary extensive mechanical work on fluidics. But I'm guessing my external guide doesn't trust the signal processing techniques very much, so, I will have to be thorough with the paper before I even suggest him with this alternative. ATB!

2) Diameter of the pipe: The pipe that emulates the umbilical artery must be around 1.5 to 2 mm in diameter, whereas the one that emulates the middle cerebral can be around 3.5 mm in diameter, according to information I found on Google. Thus, based on the size constraints, emulating the middle cerebral artery is the better solution of the two. But that still is very small a size to simulate a pulsatile flow in.

3) Pulsatile flow pump: The only one pump that I found on the net was this. I'm not sure if this is the right one. Because this one is not for research purposes, it looks like it is for industrial, I mean practical use by the doctors during surgeries or so. Other articles I found were all papers which showed how to create a computer controlled flow pumps for pulsatile flow simulations. Asking my internal guide, then the HOD, and then the action plan decision is the agenda for next week.

4) Doppler / Ultrasound Flowmeter: In addition to giving me a tension that it is not audio that we are taking in as the imput, this also gives me a tension about are these available in the labs and are they available in the size of 3.5 mm? This Ultrasonic flowmeter manual suggests otherwise!

Overall, I'm still amazed at the minute feasibility percentage that I'm relying upon, and continuing with this project!


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