Monday 10 September 2012

The Data Declaration

05:20 pm

Just returned after a visit to GMC. Dr. Jeevan Vernekar is so kind. He is the best of the rare breed doctors that I was talking about yesterday. And Nilkath, the Ultrasound Expert was just awesome! Totally willing to help, and there, in case I need any help. Got his number! He showed me the entire 'Umbilical Artery Doppler' and 'Middle Cerebral Artery Doppler' procedure, the audio data of which I need. He's called me tomorrow to the hospital, to take the first bits of data home! :) Yeay!! Everything that I wanted is here now!!

Nilkanth told me that the audio data is recordable, and can be written on to a CD. I will have to see exactly what format the data is recorded, and whether it is compatible to be used with MATLAB. He also told me that it wasn't necessary to get an official letter or anything, but, just to be careful, I'm thinking, I'll talk to the our ETC HOD about this, get a letter ready, show it to Dr. Mahesh Sardessai, the HOD of that GMC Radiology Department and Get Going!! Truly happy!!

Am thinking of giving the data acquisition a maximum of 2 weeks from now. So, the day that I have to start processing the data is 24th of September.

  • Gotta go to GMC tomorrow by 10:30 am with a CD. Yeay!!

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