Monday 3 September 2012

New Possibilities, Independent Component Analysis

08:30 pm

Was away from my laptop for a period of 11 days, a reason due to which I couldn't dive into my project work in full swing. Got my laptop back today, and have promised to take it's good care,.. at least for a year, till my project gets completed. The replaced part are, Keyboard : 3 months warranty, Motherboard: 6 months warranty, battery: 1 year warranty!

Getting back right on. Was struck with 2 new possibilities of DSP stage of the project, the Principle Component Analysis (PCA), and Independent Component Analysis (ICA). Nothing tough, only have to find papers comparing all of these DSP methods, and have to resolve to the best one. If I find these papers, will be able to add to the literature survey section too.

Both ICA and PCA have a lot of papers written on them, both work in MATLAB. Toolboxes for both are available. This one is for ICA.

Deadlines and checkpoints mentioned in previous posts have been achieved. The new to do:

  1. Study the photo material Chapter 4 brought from Dr. Sanjay Sardesai.
  2. Form the mail to be sent to the External Guide which will have the Project flow as he had mentioned. Mail and ask   for database.
  3. Form the Project Review document.
  4. Dive into MATLAB signal processing, try out ICALAB, Wavelet Transforms.
  5. Search for papers that compare Digital Signal Processing Techniques to choose the best one and to be used as literature survey papers.

Diving into MATLAB now! Yeay! ATB

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