Monday 15 October 2012

Electrical model for Doppler Waveforms of Utero-Placental Blood Flow


The plan today is to study this particular model that my external guide sent me, and check if it is a good model to be implemented. The paper that I'm studying is, Effect of non-linearity in predicting doppler waveforms through a novel model

Ah.. I don't know how to say things about this model. lost. Have to concentrate and read it part by part at least thrice, to be thorough with it. Also, since the paper uses previously developed and an inaccessible transition line model, I need to study both these models in order to really understand the paper. Will edit the post from time to time as I progress over the paper. Right now although I'm having a feeling that this si the paper that I'm going to follow, I cant be sure, until I've gone through the rest of them. Neither should I waste my time in thoroughly studying a paper that I'm not 100% sure of using. So, now that I've got a hint of the paper, I think I should move onto the next.


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